This year, Capricornia School of Distance Education, trialled a new transition program for year 5, 6 and 7 students. The program called ‘Improving Myselfie’ ran in conjunction with Judi Newman (PhD Candidate) with her work around neuroscience. Lessons were delivered online weekly, with students focussing on mindset, the brain and how we learn, and study skills. Students particularly enjoyed the sheep brain dissection. All lessons aligned with Judi’s book called, ‘Turbo Charge Your Learning’.
The impact from this program was extremely positive ranging from increased student engagement, students managing their time better, reduced anxiety and increased focus during lessons. One parent called the school to say her daughter has always been a perfectionist and struggled to attempt anything new and now she is saying comments like, ‘It’s okay mum, I am in the learning dip. Once I get feedback, I will have another go.’
The ‘Improving Myselfie’ program empowered students to deepen their understanding of their own ways of working, self-reflect and broadened their skill sets. Capricornia SDE are looking forward to expanding on ‘Improving Myselfie’ in 2021.
By Teresa Anderson
Deputy Principal, Capricornia School of Distance Education